Seed Starting at Home 101

It is that wonderful time of the year when we in the Midwest are experiencing below freezing temperatures while at the same time starting our seedlings for the growing season. Our growing season in Illinois varies from 190 - 160 days. That is not very long at all, so to make the best of the situation the seedlings need to be started indoors long before the outside growing conditions are right. 

What do I need?

The seeds of course! If you already have your seeds saved from last year, that’s great! If you are planning to buy them, there are so many great options online for organic seeds and it seems like more are added every day. We order the majority of our seeds from High Mowing Organic Seeds.

Do you have the right seed starting mix for your vegetables? When the seedlings start to emerge, they are extremely delicate so make sure you are not using regular potting soil. It has larger pieces of wood chips and sticks that can get in the way of the seedling. 

Is your temperature ok? Seeds need a certain temperature to germinate and continue their healthy growth and development. Do research on the vegetable varieties that you are growing, they all have their specific needs.

How about the light source? I have limited light where my seedlings grow, so I heavily supplement the light with grow lights to meet the demands of the growing plants.

It is an exciting time when you finally transplant the seedlings outside! Make sure not to do it too soon, certain vegetables are more cold hardy than others. A cooler temperature that is fine for a kale plant might damage or kill a tomato plant! 

The Old Farmer’s Almanac has excellent resources online for your seed starting and seedling transplant dates and timeline. 

Best of luck with your vegetable growing adventure!

New Farm Addition!

If you come out to see our vegetable operation in 2022 you might see a new furry face!

Please meet Sweet Potato, she joined our family in December and is looking forward to a great season of farming, running around, snacks and naps.

Sweet Potato enjoying the first day at her new home.

2 Convenient CSA Pick Up Locations for 2021!

Pick from two convenient locations!

On the farm:

Directly on the farm located in the Brunner Family Forest Preserve off of Route 31: 18N681 IL Route 31 in Dundee, IL.

Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays 10:00am - 6:00pm.

Organic Rootz Health Food Shop:

1202 South Main Street Street, Algonquin, IL 60102

Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays 10:00am - 5:00pm.

Come by anytime during those hours!